Dear friends,
the CDC has released information regarding protecting yourself and others from spreading COVID.
If you are fully vaccinated, you can participate in many of the activities that you did before the pandemic.
To maximize protection from the Omicron variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.
Wearing a mask is most important if you have a weakened immune system or if, because of your age or an underlying medical condition, you are at increased risk for severe disease, or if someone in your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is unvaccinated. If this applies to you or your household, you might choose to wear a mask regardless of the level of transmission in your area.
You should continue to wear a mask where required by-laws, rules, regulations, or local guidance.” (
If you enter Spiral Healing and are fully vaccinated and current with any of the COVID vaccines/boosters, you are more than welcome to enjoy your massage without a mask while you are in my clinic. With the new virus being so contagious it is important to continue to wear your mask while in session unless we have discussed your health needs in advance and made alternative arrangements. I will continue to wear a mask for your protection and mine even though I have been vaccinated since February 2020. As a health care provider, I will be asking for all health history forms to reflect any new changes. My main focus is on using best practices for massage and using a client-centered approach to care. I have provided hand sanitizers in the waiting area and the treatment room for your convenience.
Also, if you are showing signs or symptoms of fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, a new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, or vomiting, diarrhea 24 hours before your appointment, please call so we can further discuss your concerns and reschedule if needed. For Snohomish county updates, you can check out their website for additional information here As mandates and state requirements have changed almost weekly since the pandemic, it is important to stay informed. You can check out Washington state’s updates at their official website here:
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me at 360-358-3205 or">, and I will be happy to answer them for you and assist in any way possible. Thank you for the support that you have provided me over the last four years. It is why I can provide the community with herbal wellness classes, massage, and wellness support to all of you at a reasonable cost.
Stay Positive. We will all come through this event stronger and build a better community.
Deanna Hanson